LangDev 2022 – mgm sponsors international conference on technical languages
From September 26 to 28, 2022, Aachen will become a Mecca for enthusiasts of technical languages. At the Language Developer's Meetup (LangDev), leading international experts from research and industry will meet to discuss the latest developments in software language engineering. mgm is sponsoring the event and will be contributing a keynote speech. The event is hosted by the Chair of Software Engineering at RWTH Aachen University headed by Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rumpe.
RWTH Aachen students learn low code approaches
How does software development work with the help of a low code platform? To what extent do different low code approaches differ? Questions like these were addressed by students from RWTH Aachen University who attended the "Model-Driven Low-Code Platforms" course held by the Software Engineering department in the summer semester of 2021.
University cooperation with RWTH: Theses on graphical modeling tools
In cooperation with mgm, the Chair of Software Engineering at RWTH Aachen University is now supervising a new master's thesis and a bachelor's thesis dedicated to issues in the context of A12's graphical modelling tools.