Public Sector

E-Government, electronic administration and more

Application Portal of the Chambers of Tax Consultants Relies on Cloud Architecture

In order to be fail-safe, easy to maintain and flexibly expandable, the OZG application portal of the chambers of tax consultants relies on a microservice architecture and operation in a Kubernetes cluster. We take a look at the technical implementation of the software.

Comment: The OZG 2.0 lacks a clear strategy and a powerful technical basis

Dealing with the authorities at the click of a mouse - the implementation of the OZG should make this easier. However, the digital reorganisation of public administration has not only stalled with the expiry of the OZG deadline. With the "OZG Amendment Act", we are lagging behind in sporting terms - and already in injury time. What is needed above all is a radical rethink at state level, a review of tasks in the provision of services for the municipal level and a technical basis as a foundation.

Relieving the burden on IT specialists in local authorities – with the OZG Cloud

The OZG-Cloud is a pioneering project to advance the digitalization of administration in Germany. The platform, which was commissioned by the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the IT-Verbund Schleswig-Holstein (ITV.SH) and developed under an open source license, offers local authorities the opportunity to process applications from online services. The advantages: Reduction of workload, collaboration option between individual municipalities and forwarding of digital applications to specialist processes. The connection to the OZG cloud also means less work for IT specialists.

Bringing the OZG 2.0 onto the home straight – mgm at the “Digital State”  

The Digital State - one of the most important events for digital transformation in Germany: this year, the congress organised by Behörden Spiegel will take place from 12 to 13 March at Vienna House Andel's Berlin under the motto "faster, stronger, more sovereign - together". Numerous participants from public administration will discuss the latest trends and developments in the field of digital administration.

The importance of European standards for German register modernization

Standards exist to standardise and simplify processes. With regard to the implementation of the Register Modernisation Act, more and more stakeholders are calling for their use. The connection of registers is not only required by law at national level, but also at European level through the Single Digital Gateway Regulation. In order to enable the secure and low-maintenance transmission of data, it is important to maintain an overview of the range of existing and developing standards at national and European level.

mgm at the Bavarian Future Congress – with a focus on register modernization

mgm opens the Public Sector Congress Season 2024 in Munich: Under the motto "Let's do it! Creating the "Digital Administration House"", the Bavarian Future Congress of the Behörden Spiegel will take place on 6 February 2024. It offers an established platform for current and future developments in the digitalisation of the state and local authorities. The patron of the Future Congress is Dr Fabian Mehring, Bavarian State Minister for Digital Affairs.

Hackathon on the digitalization of tax law took place with mgm participation

The second hackathon at LMUDigiTax took place in November 2023. Topic: Digital-compatible tax laws using the example of special depreciation for heat pumps. For this purpose, Capgemini, in cooperation with mgm, prepared a draft of an enforcement-oriented standard for the special depreciation of heat pumps. This was in turn technically implemented by mgm in cooperation with Capgemini using the Enterprise Low Code platform A12.

mgm at SCCON: The possibilities of the Enterprise Platform Germany

How can administrative services with maturity level 4 be implemented for companies? In a joint workshop of the states of Bavaria, Schleswig-Holstein and mgm, this was demonstrated using the example of the Enterprise Platform Germany (UP-D) at the Smart Country Convention (SCCON).

Creating sustainable structures in public administration with digital consulting

In public administration, there are many services and projects that are supported by external consultants, and not only due to a lack of resources. But what should this collaboration ideally look like so that, at the end of the project, the administration is able to work sustainably with the structures created? We provide insights into our work and our consulting services for public software projects.

mgm and OpenTalk announce partnership: Integration of video conferencing into the A12 platform

mgm has entered into a strategic partnership with OpenTalk. OpenTalk offers a secure video conferencing solution based on open source and is part of the Berlin-based Heinlein Group. The goal of the collaboration is to integrate OpenTalk into mgm's A12 enterprise low-code platform to create a comprehensive and easy-to-use video conferencing solution, especially for the public sector.