Tag: Digital Transformation
Hybrid cloud: a sensible solution for the insurance industry
According to a new study, more and more insurers are thinking about managing their data via a hybrid cloud. Hybrid clouds are a hybrid of public cloud and private cloud applications. Hybrid clouds enable industrial insurers to deliver applications and services faster - to the customer's benefit.
Digitization: Who owns the data?
The discussion "Whom does the data belong to" is not only intensively discussed between insurers, brokers and companies in industrial insurance. The current discussion in the private motor insurance market shows the challenges of digitisation for all parties involved.
Cyber Insurance: A gap in provision for many German companies
When it comes to digitization, company executives are literally rolling over with promises about the potential of technology. However, safety often falls by the wayside. Many computer systems are not properly prepared for attacks - let alone insured against cyber attacks.
Digital revolution in the industry: new distribution channels are breaking up old structures
The advent of the Internet triggered a digital revolution that completely redesigned many sectors of the economy. Even in the insurance industry some major changes are emerging that could reshape this industry. We have already seen the first providers using digital platforms to sell insurance.
Microservices: Customer orientation makes a critical difference (Part three)
The previous parts of our series on microservices presented the functionality of this technology and explained its fundamental advantages. The third part describes some particularly important advantages in more detail. The focus here is on the individual adaptation of the customer experience.
The Babylon Effect: Digital customers vs. the analogue insurance industry
The story of the Tower of Babel tells how a mammoth project failed when those involved were no longer able to speak the same language. A similar effect is currently emerging in the relationships between insurers and their industrial customers.
Digitization of the SME market as an opportunity for commercial and industrial insurers
In the SME segment, commercial and industrial insurers have many opportunities to win new customers and thus increase their premium income. However, this area in particular is undergoing major change.
Microservices: Data Exchange in Real Time for the Insurance Industry (Part two)
Innovative technologies, in which insurance companies invest hundreds of millions of euros, make completely new applications possible. The focus here is on transmitting data in real time via microservices or similar technologies.
Microservices: An Innovative Platform for Insurers (Part one)
Many well-known Internet companies - such as Amazon, Twitter, Netflix or Uber - have built their platforms with microservices. This technology also offers numerous new opportunities in the insurance sector and can trigger innovations that extend to all areas of the company.
Industrial insurance 2.0: New business models are needed
Industrial insurers are facing major problems at the moment. Significantly higher loss ratios and increasingly fierce competition mean that the classic form of insurance is no longer profitable. For this reason, it is necessary to review the existing business models.