Yearly Archives: 2017
Multichannel in Interface Chaos? No Way!
In retail today a multichannel strategy is an essential prerequisite for continuing to be able to secure customer loyalty. Implementing this strategy does, however, involve negotiating a number of pitfalls.
Gray Decisions and the Question of Responsibility
From Underwriter to IT Service Provider – Alexander Stolte’s digitization column.
Is Your Management Still Asking the Wrong Questions?
“Waterfall or agile?” is the question that has been driving the executive floors of German firms to despair for some time.
GDPR: One in two online retailers are unaware of the new regulations
As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply in all member states of the European Union and replace the...
The “Happy Path” and Treasures by the Wayside
Which risks do you insure at what price? And which risks should you give a wide berth? These are the key questions in underwriting. In the remit of digitizing industrial insurance the point is whether software can answer these questions.
Raspi-Hackathon in Munich – Fine-tuning of the racing robots
On November 23, 2017, mgm hosted another Raspberry Pi hackathon in Munich. In contrast to the previous hackathons, the assembly of the three-wheel robots...
Integration into Broker Software: Direct Link to the Insurer
Industrial insurers are currently trying out different digitization scenarios for collaboration with sales partners. A highly promising approach is to integrate their sales processes...
The Scrum Master – More than just a Moderator!
Agile methods like Scrum are increasingly gaining ground at German companies. Scrum is rated especially highly in the eCommerce environment, where a short time...
Pricing in online grocery: Walmart dares exciting experiment
Pricing is one of the key challenges in online grocery. This is mainly caused by two reasons: While margins in the highly competitive food...
mgm sponsors jerseys for junior team
Shining eyes accompanied the delivery of the brand new football jerseys. Since October 29, the F-Youth of the Dresden Sportclub 1898 has been wearing...