Yearly Archives: 2018

more and more brokers are entering the segment of commercial customers and freelancers

Insurance for business customers and freelancers: More simplicity desired

A new online survey by the trade magazine Pfefferminzia shows the trend that more and more brokers are entering the segment of commercial customers and freelancers. Because even with a small number of corporate customers, higher revenues can be achieved than with private households.
Insurance Weekly News CV 22

Insurance Weekly News: CW 22

Insurwave" is a digital platform for transport insurance transactions online. In the future, Gothaer Versicherung will offer agent settlements as BiPRO business transactions. This and more news from the insurance industry in our overview.

Commerce Weekly News: CW 22

Overview of the latest news #Omnichannel Not an enemy, but an opportunity The participants of the "EHI Innovation Tour" recently visited the USA. In his travelogue...
Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts – a new concept for the insurance market

The Blockchain makes Smart Contracts possible: fully automated contracts that come into force under certain conditions. What began with the crypto currency Bitcoin is now also becoming interesting in the market for commercial and industrial insurance.

Strength in Numbers

How manufacturers of complex products and retailers can grow together The traditional B2C supply chain, consisting of manufacturer, wholesaler (if applicable), retailer and end customer,...

Commerce Weekly News: CW 21

Overview of the latest news #Omnichannel Podcast: What to consider when choosing the right inventory control system An efficient inventory control system is a central component...
Insurance weekly News CV 21

Insurance weekly News: CV 21

Cyber risks and corresponding insurance solutions are increasingly occupying the industry. Soon the DSGVO will come into force - how far have German insurers progressed with its implementation? This and more news from the insurance industry in our overview.
Digitization in Broker business

Digitization in the brokerage business: opportunity instead of threat

Digital solutions will increasingly help insurance brokers in their task. This is the message of the "BCA Press Dialogue 2018", which took place in Frankfurt am Main this year.

Commerce Weekly News: CW 20

Overview of the latest news #Omnichannel A fairy tale from Mönchengladbach Are local commerce projects such as "eBay Mönchengladbach" an opportunity for brick-and-mortar retailers to participate...
SMEs want digital access

Small business, great need: SMEs want digital access to insurance

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make a major contribution to the economy. Within the OECD, they account for 50 to 60 percent of total...