Tag: Enterprise Architecture

mgm publication „ERIC macht die Steuererklärung“ (ERIC submits tax return) in the JavaMagazin

In „ERIC macht die Steuererklärung“ (ERIC submits tax return) in the latest edition of the JavaMagazin (2/2015, main topic „Sustainable Service Design“) Dr. Martin...

The role of IT architecture in times of the digital creation of value

Article in German by our colleagues Olaf Terhorst and Dr. Dimitris Matalliotakis in the journal „Management Inspirationen“.

Securing your Password Database with bcrypt

Do you also spend sleepless nights because you have saved the passwords of your users in clear text or near-clear text (MD5)? We will show you a simple method how you can smoothly migrate your password database to a much more secure format. The transition is transparent to the users and instant, i.e. as soon [...]

HTML 5 Security (Article in iX 1/2013)

In connection with the Web standard HTML5, developers have made a lot of effort in terms of security. But new features result in growing...