After 2022, another hackathon was held in Kiel: “SH:digital”. Over the course of four days, experts from manufacturers and public administration worked together in various teams to develop initial solutions for the digitization of administrative processes using different Low Code/No Code tools.
Short & concise
- Organizers are the ITV.SH, the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the city of Kiel.
- Each participating municipality received its own area (namespace) in the OZG cloud.
- As the manufacturer of the OZG cloud, mgm provided the library and the namespace, but also participated in use cases itself.
From September 11 to 14, 2023, the hackathon “SH:digital” took place in Kiel, organized by the IT-Verbund Schleswig-Holstein (ITV.SH), the State Chancellery of Schleswig-Holstein and the City of Kiel. The goal was to find innovative, creative and useful software products and solutions for given challenges of the public administration and to digitalize the entire administrative process end-to-end beyond online applications. With LowCode/NoCode tools, the participating municipalities want to learn practically to what extent they can develop and build digital solutions themselves in the future.
For this purpose, seven groups received various application tasks including data from sample municipalities.
mgm provided the prerequisite and also participated
The OZG Cloud brings together a collection of scripts and technologies that enable applications to be set up and maintained in existing data centers. As the manufacturer of the OZG Cloud, mgm provided the central key element for the hackathon: The participating municipalities were given their own namespaces in which they could provide the data for the challenges. In the seven groups, manufacturers, IT experts and business experts worked on solutions for the specific use cases – with NoCode/LowCode applications and process automations.
As a participant in group 3, mgm dealt with a use case of the district of Nordfriesland and an additional task of the city of Kiel:
- The use case of the Nordfriesland district involved the reconciliation of lists of authorized persons for the reimbursement of monthly school tickets. CSV tables with the names of the entitled students and an overview of already approved reimbursements served as the basis. Until now, the administrators had to reconcile these manually. The goal was to automate the process. For this purpose, the CSV files were stored in the district’s namespace in the OZG cloud. The experts in Group 3 now modeled an A12 low-code application for the automated check and the transfer of the result back to the OZG cloud. If the clerks now open the applications, they receive a comment with the result of the check. A simple application, but one that saves many hours of work. After all, the district of Nordfriesland expects to receive about 8,000 applications per month starting in October.
- For the city of Kiel, the task was to model a connection to Smart Documents, a software solution for the standardization and automation of document creation. For an application received, the data is available electronically, e.g. as XML. This data is sent from the OZG Cloud to Smart Documents via an interface. There, a template with placeholders was created from which, together with the data, the notice is generated as a PDF and sent back to the OZG Cloud.
The special feature of the use case for the district of Nordfriesland was automation. The A12 application for data reconciliation integrates itself into the digital processing of an application and completes the query without any further action by the clerks. As a PoC, the result of the use case should be available as a productive solution as soon as possible. This can also be set up “at the push of a button” via the OZG cloud for other municipalities that have already signaled their interest.
Hackathon as a nationwide information exchange
The hackathon took place on the grounds of the Waterkant creative festival in Kiel. Each group had its own workspace, but the teams did not operate in isolation from one another. On the contrary, the exchange among each other was part of the event, including lectures and presentations. In addition to mgm, teams from Allisa, travekom.connect, Mach AG, Form Solutions, T-Systems/Pega and MODUL-F (FHH/BMI) took part.
While the first Hackathon 2022 was still hosted solely by the city of Kiel, this year’s event served as a platform and information exchange for municipalities throughout the entire state. A further expansion to other federal states is not ruled out in the future.
Further information:
- Blog article: OZG-Cloud
- Website ITV.SH: SH:digital hackathon 2023 (only German)