Sometimes the financial figures are terrific, but the financial of others are even better. Sometimes this improves the ranking, sometimes not. A mix applies to mgm in the BVDW Internet Agency Ranking 2022 published today: reportable digital revenues have increased by 34 percent, but it remains in 9th place. Once again, it is evident that the number and scope of digitalisation projects continue to increase and the overall market is growing strongly.

The Internet Agency Ranking of the German Association for the Digital Economy (BVDW) has been in existence since 2001. Now in its seventh year, mgm technology partners has positioned itself at the top of the long list, which currently includes more than 160 large and small agencies with digital sales in Germany. In almost all years, mgm has even been in the top ten. With 79.297 million euros in fee revenue for digital agency services in 2021, we once again make it to 9th place in the current ranking (previous year: 59.01 million euros).

Low code platform as a basis for growth

“We are very pleased with the developments of the past year,” says mgm CEO Hamarz Mehmanesh. “It is becoming increasingly apparent that the persistent work on our low-code platform and a new type of software production according to industrial standards is paying off. Numerous digitisation projects are already benefiting from this.”

In the BVDW ranking, fee revenues in Germany “in the area of consulting, conception and implementation of online solutions in the internet/intranet as well as multimedia offline products” are reportable. At the same time, according to the company’s own information, the distribution takes place in three areas of application:

  • Digital Transformation and Strategy
  • Platforms, e-commerce and services
  • Digital Advertising/Communication

Our core business is digital platform solutions. Accordingly, 67 percent (53.129 million euros) of the fee revenues of mgm technology partners are attributable to the area of platforms, e-commerce and services. This puts us in 7th place in the corresponding sub-ranking (previous year: 5th place).

For the current ranking, 161 full-service internet agencies submitted the complete survey. Their total turnover exceeded the 2 billion euro threshold for the first time in 2021 and amounted to 2.385 billion euros – an increase of 27 percent compared to the previous year. The number of permanent employees did not grow quite as strongly: 19,969 (+15 percent).

The Internet Agency Ranking: Overview since 2001

“The ranking of the largest internet agencies has been published by the BVDW since 2001 with the media partners iBusiness, “Horizont” and “Werben & Verkaufen”. Full-service internet agencies are admitted to the ranking if they represent several levels of the value chain of their external customers on the internet and are essentially entrusted with the conception, creation and technical realisation of digital solutions. For this purpose, the agencies maintain their own staff and generate at least 60 percent of their fee revenue with this core business.” (Source:

Participating agencies fill out an online form for data collection. They confirm the accuracy of the information with a signed declaration of honour. Companies up to 50th place must also have an auditor or tax advisor certify the turnover figure. If there is any doubt about the accuracy of the information, the balance sheet can be requested for verification.

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Image source: Luke Besley on Unsplash