When we look at the structure of IT organisations in companies, we repeatedly come up against a multitude of boundaries. There are legal boundaries, spatial boundaries, functional boundaries, procedural boundaries and hierarchical levels, to name just a few examples. Traditionally, the boundaries were between the business processes or departments and the service provider who provided the support. The IT organisation was managed like a cost centre and had a clear focus on the efficient and qualitative provision of IT services for the customer organisation. But this image is now a thing of the past, because the services of the IT organisation have long since moved into the actual products or services of the companies and thus into the business models.
To find answers to the IT organisation of the future, we should above all question existing boundaries. Companies that do not recognise these developments in time and adapt to them will have a hard time remaining competitive in the future.
Boundless collaboration: IT as a partner of the business
Traditionally, the IT organisation has been seen as an independent department providing IT services to internal departments and business units. But this perspective has long since changed: IT services are now an integral part of many products and services that companies offer. This illustrates that IT is not merely a service provider, but rather an active partner in the company’s operations.
The role of customer orientation in dissolving boundaries
Another important development that contributes to the dissolution of boundaries between IT, business and organisation is the increasing customer orientation. Customers today expect customised products and services that meet their individual needs. Companies that cannot act flexibly and quickly enough here will be overtaken by the competition. IT plays an important role in this by using new technologies to optimise processes and develop innovative products and services. It is important that IT works closely with the business and is oriented towards customer needs.
Impact on IT management
The dissolution of the boundaries between IT, business and organisation also has an impact on the role of the IT manager. Instead of being a pure technology expert, he or she will also be an important business partner and strategic driver of the company’s success in the future. An agile organisation that can react flexibly and quickly to changes will be critical to success in the future. Cooperation between different departments and business units will also change.
The role of management consulting: future-oriented support for companies
As a management consultancy, it is our task to support companies in dissolving the boundaries between IT, business and organisation, thus making the organisation fit for the future. Our team of experts with many years of experience in the areas of IT, business and organisation works closely with our clients to develop customised solutions. We see ourselves not only as consultants, but as team players who actively shape the transformation process.
Our holistic approach: Together for success
Our holistic approach encompasses various aspects: from the analysis of the current situation and the identification of potentials and bottlenecks to the development of a digital vision and roadmap to the selection and introduction of suitable technologies and support in the implementation of process optimisations. In doing so, we place particular emphasis on transparent and open communication to ensure that all stakeholders are involved and drive the transformation forward together.
Hand in hand into the digital future
Our goal is to help companies position themselves successfully in a rapidly changing digital world. We believe that successfully breaking down the boundaries between IT, business and organisation is a crucial prerequisite for long-term success. With our comprehensive support and expertise, we create the conditions together with our clients to make the organisation fit for the future and successfully shape the digital transformation.
Contact us and let’s break down the boundaries between IT, business and organisation together and equip your company for the challenges ahead.