Overview of the latest insurance news
- DSGVO: What the new regulation means for whom (DE)
On 25 May 2018, the EU’s new basic data protection regulation (DSGVO) will enter into force. The new legal situation affects the insurance industry just as much as insurance brokers. But what does this new regulation actually contain and for whom does it have what consequences? An overview. https://www.versicherungsmagazin.de/rubriken/branche/dsgvo-was-die-neue-verordnung-fuer-wen-bedeutet-2162922.html
- Fresh capital for Insurtech Simplesurance (DE)
Insurtech Simplesurance receives 20 million euros in capital from investors, including Allianz. The funds are intended to support the Berlin-based company’s expansion into new markets. https://www.pfefferminzia.de/allianz-groesster-geldgeber-simplesurance-sackt-20-millionen-euro/
- Chubb offers new online transport insurance (DE)
The industrial insurer Chubb is launching a new online solution for securing individual shipments of goods: The insurance product “Chubb Easy Cargo” is intended to offer an efficient quotation and insurance process as well as contact options to the respective global claims departments. http://www.asscompact.de/nachrichten/chubb-bringt-neue-online-transportversicherung
- Can InsurTech rescue Insurance?
Insurance is not a popular product. There are several reasons for this, such as fundamental mistrust on the part of customers in insurance companies. These three InsurTechs try to bridge the gaps with their customer-centric approach. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/can-insurtech-rescue-insurance-mark-farrell-fia-phd
- Internet of Things: Turning Point for Marine Insurance
The Internet of Things (IoT) will take marine insurance to capabilities that are a far cry from the traditional model that is under so much pressure. http://insurancethoughtleadership.com/the-internet-of-marine-insurance/
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