Embedded Insurance: From customer to business partner – the new role of insurers and brokers

Embedded insurance opens up the opportunity for insurers and brokers to deepen business relationships with commercial and industrial customers and take them to a new level. For the industry, this is an opportunity to develop customers into business partners by offering customised products and services that create competitive advantages. Embedded models between companies and insurers and brokers should positively complement products and services. Speed and flexibility in adaptation are basic requirements.


This is an excerpt from the topic dossier 15/2023 of Versicherungsforen Leipzig. Read the full article here in German language.


Short and concise

– Embedded models should positively complement products and services.

– Established insurers and brokers have difficulties creating their own offerings in this market.

– Isolated solutions are simple, but inflexible and offer limited benefits.

– Enterprise Low Code enables broker and insurer departments to deliver customer solutions independently.

Challenges for established market partners

Established insurers and brokers are struggling to create their own offerings in this market. The biggest differences between embedded and traditional insurance:

– Standardisation,

– mass processing,

– automation and

– data-drivenness.


Basically, embedded insurance models are data-driven, are concluded situationally and are thus designed closer to the customer’s risk.

Existing IT systems are often not designed to process embedded insurance, which is a major obstacle. Mostly, they are designed for complex business and internal processes and do not adequately support embedded insurance.


Isolated solutions vs. strategic business area

Insurers and brokers leave a large part of this fast-growing market mainly to start-ups and providers that specialise in this segment.

As a result, digital island solutions are created that are simple but inflexible and therefore offer only limited long-term benefits. Strategic success requires digital solutions that enable specialised adaptations and can be integrated into the existing system environment.


Enterprise Low Code for Flexibility

The focus is thus less on the technical than on the business requirements that need to be digitally mapped. Ideally, the digital solution should support the entire value chain and, in addition to the conclusion of the contract, also be able to map changes and claims processing.

With the help of enterprise low code software, specialist departments of brokers and insurers are enabled to independently provide digital customer solutions without being dependent on IT departments or service providers and their backlogs.



Successful embedded insurance requires that subject matter experts on the insurer and broker side can quickly implement changing requirements digitally. Boundaries between business and IT must be overcome. The number of embedded insurance models will rise sharply, as they promise customer loyalty and revenue growth. Those insurers and brokers who can provide individual, flexible and integrated solutions will be successful. Enterprise low code software makes it possible to implement business requirements flexibly and independently of IT departments and to support the entire value chain, which is crucial for success.

Versicherungsforen Leipzig Themendossier

This text was first published in the Versicherungsforen Leipzig Themendossier 15/2023 https://www.versicherungsforen.net/themendossiers “Embedded and integrated – insurance companies as part of ecosystems”. Read or download the full article here.