Overview of the news of CW 21/2019
E-commerce guru David Bell in the OMR podcast: “New brands have to solve a problem.”
D2C brands such as Casper, Away and Warby Parker are making life increasingly difficult for long-established brands. In the OMR podcast, David Bell, professor at the Wharton School, who described the trend back in 2010, presents his observations.
Bitkom draws mixed annual balance for GDPR
In a few days’ time, the entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation will mark its first anniversary. The digital association Bitkom takes a look back and comes to mixed results.
#Online Grocery
From shopping list to shopping cart
In April, the shopping list app Bring! and EDEKA’s online supermarket Bringmeister announced their intention to cooperate in the future. In an interview with “lead”, Bring! CEO Marco Cerqui talks about the background of the cooperation and the purchasing behaviour of App users.
Walmart’s Grocery Pickup Shoppers Aren’t Just Users, They’re Advocates
US giant Walmart, on the other hand, relies on the Grocery Pickup concept – and seems to have had good experiences with it. The company plans to increase the number of pickup stations to 3,100 by the end of the year.
Lidl launches online grocery sales in Spain
While Lidl continues to hold back in the German online grocery sector, the company is now venturing into the Spanish market. From now on, the entire grocery assortment will be distributed via the Lola Market platform.
B2B e-commerce in the fast lane
B2B e-commerce is clearly on course for growth. As the ECC Köln announced, sales have increased by around EUR 430 billion since 2012 to almost EUR 1,300 billion.
Love for product data in B2B e-commerce
Product data is one of the essential keys to success in B2B e-commerce. Claus Hänle, founder of Listen!Consulting and Product Connect, explains how to use this key successfully in the “Warenausgang” podcast.
#Marketplaces & Platforms
“It’s dangerous to become dependent on a platform.”
Five years ago, Dr. Kai Hudetz predicted that 90 percent of online retailers would give up by 2020. This danger still exists, the managing director of IFH Cologne explained in an interview with “Internet World Business”. Many dealers continue to lose direct customer access to platforms.
Omnichannel: Especially for the large ones
Large retailers in particular are integrating Omnichannel offerings into their service portfolios. This is the conclusion reached by the EHI Retail Institute in a recent study. According to this, Omnichannel retailers are the strongest group in the sales class between 20 and 100 million euros and in the class above 100 million euros, while single-channel retailers dominate in the sales class up to 10 million euros.
BrandZ Top 75 Most Valuable Global Retail Brands Ranking 2019
Amazon continues to be by far the most valuable retail brand. As WPP and Kantar found out in a joint study, with a value of 315.5 billion US dollars, the company clearly ranks its Chinese competitor Alibaba (131.2 billion dollars) second.
>> Kantar