Overview of the latest news
“German retailers work systematically”
The auditing firm KPMG recently examined the future readiness of German retail in its Future Readiness Index. In an interview with the “Handelsjournal”, Stephan Fetsch, Head of Retail at KPMG, reports on the most important findings that can be drawn from the study.
Resource planning: The importance of modular ERP and MES systems increases
In e-commerce, too, ERP and MES systems can help to make processes more efficient. In a blog post, Alexander Noack explains why he believes these systems should be modular.
#Online Grocery
Goose delivered on time
What level of maturity has the online grocery industry already reached in Germany? The EHI Retail Institute is addressing this question in a recent study. While user guidance and data security can convince the authors of the study, there is still room for improvement in the area of ordering convenience and Omnichannel services.
“The slow development of online grocery is not surprising”
Jens Drubel and Max Thinius have long led the Allyouneed Fresh food delivery service, recently sold by DHL to Delticom. In an interview with Internet World, the two talk about their opinions on the development of online grocery.
Trend study: Every second consumer interested in buying food on the Internet
The spread of online grocery in Germany is still expandable. This is the conclusion of a study by Nordlight Research. According to this study, every second German citizen can imagine buying food online. At present however only 9 percent of the interviewees use the available offers actively.
#Marketplaces & Platforms
Storytelling on online marketplaces – is that even possible?
On marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay, retailers are often in a price war. But there are also other ways to stand out from the crowd. In her guest article in the online magazine “Onlinehändler-News”, editor Miriam Gebbing explains how retailers can also score points with storytelling.
Exchanges #213: Amazon and the antitrust authorities
The proceedings against Amazon initiated by the antitrust authorities, about which we already reported last week, continue to attract increasing attention. In the podcast “Exchanges”, Jochen Krisch and Marcel Weiß deal with the case and play through a number of regulatory options.
B2B Sales: Multichannel is the central task
The traditional sales force continues to be the most important sales channel for B2B companies. This is the conclusion reached by the ECC Köln in a recent study. But online sales channels are also becoming more important, so that the establishment of convincing multichannel services is becoming the greatest challenge for companies.
>> ECC Köln
The slowest online shoppers live in Germany
German customers like to take their time shopping online. As SAP Customer Experience found out in a study, about three out of four German customers keep products in their shopping cart for up to 24 hours until they actually buy them – the top value in Europe. The study authors explain in three tips how this insight can be used.
Study on E-Commerce Logistics: Where Customer Centricity Ends
parcelLab, a provider for shipping communication, has analyzed the logistics service of the largest German online shops and comes to a sobering conclusion: Usually the customer has to follow the retailer and not the other way around. Accordingly, product shipping offers potential to impress the customer.