Overview of the latest news
Inventory management software: Why and for whom it makes sense
Is the purchase of an inventory management software worthwhile? In his guest article in the magazine “Onlinehändler-News” Maximilian Fischer explores this important strategic question.
#Online Grocery
“You have to completely rethink food trade when you go online”
Feneberg, a grocer who is mainly active in southern Germany, recently announced his withdrawal from an independent online grocery shop. Instead, the company is now cooperating with the Edeka subsidiary Bringmeister. In an interview with “etailment” Christoph Kappes, Digital Manager at Feneberg, explains this step and gives exciting insights into some of his company’s learnings.
Food from the WWW: Why marketplaces are the better choice for SMEs
Feneberg’s decision is causing ripples. Olaf Kolbrück of “t3n” uses the move as an opportunity for a well-founded analysis of the possibilities of medium-sized companies in online grocery. Do marketplaces and partnerships solve the investment dilemma?
Fresh food rather from the shop
Online grocery is not a digital image of the brick-and-mortar retail. This is the conclusion reached by the management consultancy Simon-Kucher in a recent study. Purchasing behaviour thus shows a number of differences. For example, the preference is to buy non-perishable products online. For fresh products, on the other hand, customers continue to prefer brick-and-mortar shops.
Invincible? The bottle crate is the final opponent for German food delivery services
The logistics behind online grocery is much more complex than in many other product categories. An example of this is beverage crates. In his article, Peer Schader from the “Supermarktblog” analyses how competitors deal with the deposit.
B2B e-commerce: personal contact must be integrated into an holistic digital strategy
B2B commerce is becoming increasingly digital. However, face-to-face contact via a sales representative is far from obsolete. According to a study by the ECC Köln, it is instead a matter of integrating online and offline touchpoints in a meaningful way.
>> ECC Köln
B2B Marketplace all-around with Dominik Hecker (Part 1)
XT Verpackungen has invested in building its digital business over the past four years and now generates half of its revenue online. A key to this success was the consistent use of B2B marketplaces. In the podcast of “Warenausgang” Dominik Hecker, managing partner of XT Verpackungen, now reveals his assessment of various B2B marketplaces.
#Marketplaces & Platforms
Online retailers on marketplaces: Growth potential or risk of dependency?
Many online retailers use marketplaces to reach a wider range of customers. But this strategy cut both ways: According to a joint study by IFH Köln and DHL, every third online retailer already has the feeling of being dependent on marketplaces. More than half are worried about becoming dependent in the future.
>> ECC Köln
Panic-mongering by the EHI Institute is premature
Recently, the EHI Retail Institute warned that the gap between small and large online retailers is widening. Shopanbieter now oppose this thesis with their own figures. According to this, even small traders can achieve great growth. For example, 57 percent of the small retailers surveyed grew at double-digit rates.
15% of UK shoppers buy cross-border every week
British online shoppers are by no means limited to British providers when it comes to shopping. According to a study by Whistl, more than one in three online customers makes regular purchases in foreign online shops, and 15 percent of those surveyed even shop at least once a week.
“Random Luck” – Online shoppers think constant price changes are unfair
Frequent price changes have long been an everyday occurrence in e-commerce. Nevertheless, this practice is not very well received by customers. According to a study by the Institut für Handelsforschung, many respondents perceive large price fluctuations as unfair.