
Insights and trends in E-Commerce

Mastering complexity intelligently! mgm lecture on load and performance tests of big online shops...

A high number of parallel users, sharp fluctuations in user numbers and the embedding in increasingly complex system landscapes ...

mgm at K5 conference for innovative commerce

In accordance with our guiding principle „Innovation implemented.“, we will attend as the commerce network K5-Liga's new silver partner at the two-day growth and innovation conference K5.

Rebrand of “” into “”

In the context of its global strategy, the international logistics industry‘s market leader DHL, rebranded its online marketplace „Mein“, developed by mgm technology...

mgm is SAP PartnerEdge partner

mgm technology partners is happy to communicate being an official SAP® PartnerEdge® program partner. The program is offering exciting additional possibilities in sales and...

mgm at the SDL Alliance Summit 2015

Our commerce experts will also be present on the 22nd of April when the most important partners of the Dutch commerce specialist will meet...

mgm implements Allyouneed Poland

After a project time of only five months, the jointly by mgm technology partners and the customer’s team developed DHL marketplace Allyouneed Poland went...

Acquisition of MOS Tangram AG: mgm enhances its e-commerce competences in the area of...

On the 29th of January 2015 mgm technology partners and the shareholders of the IT solutions provider MOS-Tangram AG with headquarter in Boswil, Switzerland,...

mgm on Hybris Annual Global Partner Summit 2015

As long-term hybris gold partner, mgm technology partners is happy to participate to the hybris Partner-Days 2015. The experts and network meeting offers, beside...

GoLive of mgm market place solution for Kazakh Kaspi Bank

The market place solution built by our e-commerce team went live on the second of December and is available for customers and other visitors via...

Online supermarket, launched with mgm, is test winner!

According to a recent survey of the Berlin based market research institute Deutsches Institut für Preis-Leistungs-Forschung the Rewe online shop, „made by mgm“, that...