Areas of action for municipal heat planning in Germany

Municipal heating planning is one of the central building blocks of the energy transition in Germany. But which specific fields of action are crucial for the successful implementation of a sustainable heat supply? These are explained in more detail below under technical, organisational and cooperative aspects.

Kurz & knapp

  • Municipal heat planning requires a targeted and coordinated approach.
  • By consistently addressing these fields of action, municipalities can not only overcome technical and organisational challenges, but also create a strong basis for acceptance and support from the local community.
  • The successful implementation of a sustainable heat supply is therefore not only a technical task, but also a social one that involves all stakeholders and builds on a solid information base.

Establishing and utilising a solid data basis

One key area of action is the development of a robust data basis. Local authorities need access to up-to-date and accurate data on energy consumption and supply in order to make informed decisions. The challenge is to find a balance between statistical and real data in order to ensure effective planning. Establishing harmonised data standards and formats can facilitate data exchange and cooperation between different stakeholders.

Strengthen participation and cooperation

Broad participation and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders are essential. These stakeholders include local energy suppliers, citizens, industry and commerce. Regular workshops, information events and consultations can create a comprehensive basis for planning. Transparency and targeted communication are crucial here in order to promote the acceptance and commitment of those involved.

Securing personnel requirements and building up expertise

The shortage of skilled labour is a major challenge. To counteract this, local authorities must invest in the training and further education of their staff. This includes not only technical knowledge, but also project management and communication skills. Partnerships with educational institutions and the promotion of further training programmes are strategic approaches that can support the development of necessary skills.

Develop clear implementation strategies

After the planning phase, the development of concrete implementation strategies is crucial. This includes detailed schedules, budgeting and clear responsibilities. Ongoing evaluation and adaptation of the measures to new technological developments and market requirements are equally important to ensure the efficiency and sustainability of the projects. Clear implementation strategies help to create investment security and drive projects forward successfully.

Creating a common information base

Another key area of action is the development of a joint information and data platform. Such a platform can improve understanding and cooperation between the various stakeholders and support the coherent development of heating networks. It can also serve as a medium for sharing best practices, forming regional and supra-regional networks and promoting the integration of new technologies.


Municipal heat planning requires a targeted and coordinated approach. By consistently addressing these fields of action, municipalities can not only overcome technical and organisational challenges, but also create a strong basis for acceptance and support from the local community. The successful implementation of a sustainable heat supply is therefore not only a technical task, but also a social one that involves all stakeholders and builds on a solid information base.

With our many years of experience in the energy industry and public administration, we are happy to support you in tackling the challenges of municipal heat planning. In particular, our knowledge of agilisation and change management helps to effectively overcome complex and cross-sectoral challenges in heat planning.

Feel free to contact us!