Presentation Afra Gloria Müller, mgm: Customer Orientation in Process Management

“Listen to your customers and pay attention to their needs. The goal is to hear the voice of the customer.”

Have you spent the last few years optimizing your internal processes, but hardly generated any added value for yourself or your (internal) customers? We’ll show you our favorite tool to more effectively align your processes and customer interactions.

Afra Gloria Müller, Consultant at mgm consulting partners deals with organizational development, especially in the areas of agile and change management. Through ethnographic methods such as Design Thinking and Customer Journey Mapping, it helps to critically question and further develop processes and thought patterns in organizations.

Key Takeaways “The Customer-Oriented Revolution of Process Management”

  • Those who concentrate too much on improving internal processes easily lose sight of the customer’s needs.
  • However, the business process does not end until the customer’s needs have been fully satisfied.
  • The perception of the customer and the self-image of the company often do not fit together.
  • With Customers Journey Mapping and Service Blueprinting, internal processes can be aligned with customer expectations.

The individual steps of the Customer Journey Mapping:

  1. Select a customer group.
  2. Decide on a concrete scenario.
  3. Name the individual touchpoints / points of contact.
  4. Write down all the customer’s emotions, questions and pain points during the journey.
  5. Service Blueprinting – Coordination of internal processes with the Customer Journey.
  6. Identification of improvement potentials from a customer-oriented perspective.

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