Commerce Weekly News: CW 08/2019

Overview of the latest news

#Online Grocery

Podcast #004 – The Online Grocery Check: What potential do online supermarkets really have?

In the current Podcast of the online magazine “neuhandeln” publisher Stephan Randler and Ralph Hesse, online dealer and eCommerce coach, suss out the German online grocery market. What potential does the business have?

>> Soundcloud

Getnow would like to be the German Instacart – and fails already at the self-declaration

In a current article in the “Supermarktblog” Peer Schader deals with the strategy of the online supermarket Getnow. Does the company already have what it takes to become a German Instacart?

>> Supermarktblog


The Shops of the Digital Generation: Successful Digital Concepts for Brick-and-mortar Retail

Brick-and-mortar retailers will have to use digital possibilities in the future in order to remain competitive. “t3n” editor Jochen G. Fuchs presents four concepts on how offline and online offerings can be meaningfully linked.

>> t3n

„Generation Instagram“: How brick-and-mortar retailers score with young customers

Their digital devices are the pivotal element for many millennials. But how can this insight be used for brick-and-mortar business? Dunja Koelwel, Head of “Content EXPO and Conferences” at the Ebner Media Group, highlights in her guest article at “neuhandeln” possibilities for how brick-and-mortar retailers can inspire the “Generation Instagram”.

>> neuhandeln

The road to mobile commerce requires a great deal of customer understanding

For many retailers, mobile commerce has become an integral part of the channel mix. However, the euphoria often leads to a proliferation of applications and functionalities that customers can hardly penetrate. Frank Rehme explains in his article for the online magazine “Zukunft des Einkaufens” ways out of this dilemma.

>> Zukunft des Einkaufens

Omnishopper study 2.0: pure online use shows high increase

What is the current purchasing behaviour of German citizens? The joint study “Omnishopper 2019” by hmmh and Facit Digital deals with this question. The authors of the study found, among other things, that channel loyalty among online customers is becoming more and more pronounced. Pure online use for research and shopping in Germany has risen by four percentage points since 2015.

>> E-Commerce-Magazin

#Platforms & Marketplaces

Digital platforms give customers an overview

German Internet users see digital platforms above all as the advantages they bring them – rather than the disadvantages. This is the conclusion reached by the digital association Bitkom after evaluating a survey. Users under the age of 30 are particularly likely to rate platforms positively.

>> Bitkom


Report on the digitalization of B2B trade: “Speed beats perfection”

Intershop wanted to know what the digitalization of B2B trade is like in a recent study for which 400 B2B organizations in the Benelux countries, France, Germany, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, and the United States were surveyed. One of the insights: More than two thirds (68 percent) of respondents are convinced that speed is of the essence when it comes to digitizing their own business.

>> E-Commerce-Magazin

WhatsApp as New B2B Sales Contact Channel

According to a study by ECC Cologne, one in five B2B companies already uses WhatsApp for customer communication. The messenger service is therefore primarily used for individual customer support. However, WhatsApp is not seen as a sales channel or alternative to traditional e-mail marketing.

>> ECC Köln

B2B sales and the CX gap: A danger that must be addressed

How can B2B salespeople be effectively supported in their work by digital tools? Grant Smith provides valuable information in his article in the blog “The Future of Customer Engagement and Commerce”.

>> The Future of Customer Engagement and Commerce

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