Big Data Summit 2017: GfK and mgm give a talk about the classification of unstructured text

Big Data Summit 2017, 16. Februar 2017, Congress Park, Schlossplatz 1, Hanau, 17.30 Uhr, Track 7, Raum 7

Day by day the Internet amasses more text in the form of unstructured data – caused by published articles, chats in messengers or search requests for example. How can we process these large amounts of data automatically? And which insights can we expect? The talk “Klassifizierung unstrukturierter Texte – Deterministisch und mit Machine Learning“ (Classification of unstructured text – deterministic and with machine learning) addresses these questions at this year’s Bitkom Big Data Summit. Together with Benjamin Bock from the Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (Society for Consumer Research), Stephanie Fischer and Dr. Christian Winkler make the case for a “symbiotic” way of working between man and machine. Humans are able to quickly comprehend the meaning of texts and unlock the structure of texts. Machines, on the other hand, are predestined for analyzing large amounts of text. The talk explores options about a content-related and economically viable division of work within the scope of this symbiosis.

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