Commerce Weekly News: CW 24

Overview of the latest news


How online retailers avoid data silos

Customers have access to countless touchpoints in today’s e-commerce environment. However, the resulting data presents the existing IT architectures with great problems. In particular, data silos are able to quickly slow down omnichannel strategies.


Does local commerce have a chance?

Local commerce initiatives are repeatedly criticised. In her analysis, “Internet World” editor Ingrid Lommer sheds light on the reasons for this and explores the question of what can be learned from existing examples.

Why we need a tenant protection law for online marketplaces

Countless retailers are dependent on Amazon, eBay and the like. This dependency can quickly become their undoing if the marketplace provider restricts the retailer’s sales activities – for whatever reason. t3n author Tobias Weidemann therefore pleads for a “tenant protection law” for online marketplaces.


Digital platforms are changing the ERP market

Digitization also influences the ERP market. According to a current position paper of bitkom, monolithic software solutions that have dominated in the past are becoming increasingly unpopular. Networked digital platforms are the trend instead.

Artificial intelligence in fashion retail: What is possible

The fashion retail industry is hoping for new business opportunities through the use of artificial intelligence. Data scientist Joachim Keppler explains what is already possible today and what this means for companies and customers in a guest article on “W&V”.

Cryptocurrency Basics for E-Commerce Businesses

Cryptocurrencies have recently experienced a noticeable hype. But how should online retailers deal with this trend? Vivian Wagner gives some tips in her article.

#Online Grocery

Why is Picnic from Holland more successful than REWE in online grocery?

With the Dutch company Picnic, a new competitor has entered the German online grocery market. In an interview with Udo Kießlich, Alexander Graf of Kassenzone takes a closer look at the newcomer.


Who is afraid of internationalization? Nobody has to

Many German online retailers shy away from internationalization projects. The risks seem too great. In an interview with “shopanbieter”, a retailer now reports on his concrete experiences.


Two thirds of all online shoppers are not loyal

Retailers often look in vain for loyalty among their online customers. According to a study by the technology company intelliAd Media, only 26 percent of all online shoppers buy a product immediately in the web shop in which they begin to search.

Image source: Pixabay

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