Lecture Karel Golta, INDEED Innovation: Innovation – Against Powerlessness

“More than 70% of people are afraid of the consequences of digitisation.”

70% of the western population believe that artificial intelligence will negatively affect their lives in the future. So what do we have to do to remain able to act in the future? What is the key to a more humane
Living in the digital age?

An innovation must be human-centered, and only design can do that – there is no arguing about that with Karel J. Golta, CEO of INDEED Innovation GmbH. About much more, because the founder and CEO of three companies, INDEED, Tools of Innovators and Simplexion, loves to discuss and provoke.

Key Takeaways “Innovation: Against Powerlessness”

  • In the future we will (have to) redefine our jobs all the time. Innovation is the No. 1 growth engine.
  • Being able to act means being able to react to concrete challenges.
  • Being innovative means working out a concrete, new answer to a challenge.
  • Anyone can learn to innovate, it is a human craft.
  • If as many people as possible are capable of innovation, we remain capable of action as a society.
  • Innovation is the key to a humane life in the digital age.

Live recording of the lecture