Overview of the news of CW 25/2019
Exchanges #227: Ten years of Quelle bankruptcy – and nothing learned?!
About ten years ago, Quelle – the online retailer with the highest turnover at the time – had to file for bankruptcy. Jochen Krisch and Marcel Weiß discuss what can still be learned from this bust in their current podcast.
#Online Grocery
Online grocery still has a hard time in Germany
Does online grocery have a future in Germany? Corinna Flemming explores this question in her article for the magazine “Onlinehändler-News” and takes a look back at the development so far.
10 Theses on Online Grocery
Matthias Schu also deals with the current status quo in online grocery in an article for “etailment”. The retail expert names ten cornerstones for the future development of the market.
Roobeo digitizes the construction industry with founder Michél-Philipp Maruhn
With his company Roobeo, Michél-Philipp Maruhn wants to digitize the building materials industry. He explained how he would like to do this in an interview with “Warenausgang” operator Lennart Paul.
#Marketplaces & Platforms
Peak Amazon: Has Amazon passed its zenith?
Has Amazon reached a growth limit? And what impact would this have on the rest of the market? These questions were not only discussed at the K5, also “Kassenzone” blogger Alexander Graf deals with this topic in a current post.
Megatrend Shoppable Ads & Social Commerce: How platforms want to become malls
At K5, Instagram made it more than clear that it wants to establish itself as an e-commerce platform. Instagram is not the only one with this desire in the social media landscape. “OMR” took a closer look at the developments in the market.
Majority wants digital platforms from Germany
So far, the German economy has hardly arrived in the platform economy. Instead, German citizens are primarily resorting to platforms from the USA or the Far East. According to a Bitkom survey, 73 percent of the Germans would like to see platform offers from the Federal Republic.
This is what you need to know about the Chinese market
Western companies still lack an understanding of the Chinese market. From the perspective of Laure de Carayon, founder and director of the Paris fair China Connect, this is a devastating mistake. In an interview with “etailment” she gives valuable tips for a successful market entry.
Panel: How do Aroundhome, Douglas, Flaconi and Thomann handle their technique in practice?
In April the code.talks Commerce took place in Berlin. A real highlight of the conference was the shop operator panel moderated by Dr. Roman Zenner, in which the CTOs of Flaconi, Douglas, Aroundhome and Thomann reported on their work. In the “ShopTechBlog” he now shared the video and the recording of the panel with his readers.
New Commerce Study: Market Requires Changed Business Models
The global retail market is on the move and is causing many companies headaches. According to the Econsultancy and Sitecore report “Reinventing Commerce”, 60 percent of companies see their business model under critical or at least significant pressure.
>> E-Commerce-Magazin
Retail dissatisfied with customer data management
More than half of the retail companies surveyed are currently dissatisfied with the management of their customer data. Uniserv comes to this conclusion in a recent study. The reasons for this are isolated data storage in different systems, uncontrolled growth in processes and a lack of coordination between company departments.